Monday, December 9, 2013

Here's the thing.

I consider myself to be a decent human being. I give back to my community, I have a job, I rescue animals, and I donate my time and skills as a bilingual person to translating dramas for people I don't know. I like subbing and I like making great dramas accessible to people who otherwise wouldn't be able to enjoy them as much. And the vast majority of you guys are also good people.


I stop enjoying it when my subs get stolen and posted at streaming video sites. These sites have tons of ads, which means that the site owner gets revenue from every click. Which means that the work I did for free for the online drama community is making someone else money. That's not ok with me.

Because of this, I am reevaluating whether I want to continue subbing this project. I haven't decided. I'm really upset about this, though. You can thank the folks over at for this, by the way.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Otto no Kanojo Episode 4 UP!

English subtitles for Otto no Kanojo episode 4 are up over at D-Addicts. Get them here:
Otto no Kanojo Ep 4 Eng subs

There are some interesting developments in this one :)  Sadly, though, there was a report in the news the other day that this series will be cut to 8 episodes after all due to its low ratings. I didn't realize that it's on at the same time as Doctor X 2, which probably has a lot to do with it.

I've already begun on episode 5 and am about 20% of the way through.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Otto no Kanojo Episode 4 subs

Hi guys,

Last week we had Thanksgiving here in the US, and I was out of town for several days. Don't worry, I haven't given up on the subs :)  (Unlike many viewers, if you look at the recent ratings. I don't get it!!)
The subs for episode 4 are 50% finished. I'll get them out as soon as I can.

It's really funny so far. The viewers don't know what they're missing ^^