Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Otto no Kanojo episode 6

English subtitles for Otto no Kanojo episode 6 are up! Enjoy~


  1. I having trouble downloading both episode 6 and 5

  2. Akemashite omedetoo gozaimasu!
    ...soshite, otsukaresamadeshita m(_ _)m
    Well, I see, this is not easy situation with so-called "rights" etc.
    I understand your feelings and I really do not like the case when somebody takes something without any question or at least some notification...
    But I am sure that now you did the right thing, to continue and finish your great work! Thank you very much, because you did a lot of people happy.
    You said it is matter of your private unpaid activity and you do it because you love it.
    This is same for me - I have my work and besides in my free time I do my research, for example I study hard all about tea, just because I love it. Then I put the result of my tea study on my private web, just to share it with people who loves tea as much as me... After some time I discovered (by chance) some pages of company selling the tea and on their web they just put some almost exact copy of my tea-page without any note about its origin. I was surprised but then I said to myself: it is result of my free time activity which I already enjoyed so much, then of course it was all my original work but naturally based on studies of work by many other people, so I know I am not "the absolute author" and we all strongly depends on each other so finally my feelings had changed and I even became happy to know, that my humble research was judged by some professionals to be so valuable, that they put it on their web (^_^)...
    Yes, it is already so great feeling to create something meaningful and when I have some stable income from the other activity, I can enjoy my "voluntary" work without worry what will happen next.
    Sorry for this long and probably a bit confused message (English is really not my strong point), I just want to encourage you - please do not let a few strange people to annoy you, but feel that great joy of many other people who really appreciate your effort.
    Lots of love!!!

    1. Thanks for your comment and sharing your experience. I'm sorry to hear that something like that happened to you! That's definitely straight-out plagiarism in your case. I don't know much about rights for informally published material online, but it seems like you might be able to fight that. The biggest problem I have is when people make money off of our work, whether it's research, translation, or whatever, when we ask nothing in return. Maybe I'm a bit of an idealist and spend too much energy crusading for what I feel is the right thing to do, I don't know. The amount of support I have received from voicing my stance on this issue has been amazing, though. I am grateful to you and everyone who has stepped up and shared their story. It just goes to show what a great community the majority of drama fans are :) I hope you continue to research tea! I love tea myself and also enjoy learning about it. Have a great day!

  3. hi magnolia, thank for your work until now, i really love this drama (especially Haruna Kawaguchi) he he, hope you keep subbing, ok.

    1. Thanks! Kawaguchi is really good in this, isn't she? I think she's an under-rated actress.

  4. Thank you . A piece of advise. One Word. Hardcoding!!! so nobody steal the credit anymore! Have a great day :) See u on another episodes!

    1. Point taken! :) Will definitely keep this in mind next time around. Thanks!

  5. Thank you for continuing subbing this great drama. I'm so happy I could watch the new episode. :D

  6. Thank you! you are really awesome!

  7. thank you very much for subbing this drama, u girls are awesoooome <3
